Domain Portfolios

Many Handshake users have accumulated unique domains. Here are a few websites showcasing their portfolios.


Handshake marketplace offering hundreds of names for sale.

durendil's domains

Here is the list of HNS domains I own. You can contact me to either buy one or to apply for a subdomain.


Choose from a growing collection of premium Handshake domains.

Get your free .git domain

Hackers only

HNSAU Domains

The Handshake Australia group are promoting adoption and education in the "down under".


Hi. I'm Benj, a Handshake TLD enthusiast. Discover names on my portfolio that may be out of this world, but totally within your reach.

We own some of the most valuable Handshake TLDs, like rare/ fact/ and privacy/

Parking Sinpapeles

Parking Sinpapeles is a free parking service. If you have a domain and want to sell it, we can provide a nice contact page for you.


Domain portfolio